In the context of RAS at the Wylerberg, Beek-Ubbergen Black birds are being colour ringed.
Most are being caught using a mist nest in the context of CES.

Codes used:
Combination of three colour rings and a metal ring. On each leg two rings, while the metal ring counts in the code.
Observations of all colour ringed Black birds can be sent to me.

Colour ringed Black bird male. Wylerberg 2008. © Harvey van Diek.
Aantallen geringde Black birds at city Berg en Dal:
Jaar young Adult Adulten back from earlier years
2012 15 37 0
2013 14 46 36
Totaal ringed 29 83
Totaal with colour ring 29 83
© Frank Majoor. Website update 12-02-2014.